Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A new week...and new stuff!! (updated Friday)

I'll have lots of new stuff to show this week...I plan to put up a bunch of the stuff I'm purging from my studio! So be looking for the online garage sale to begin soon!
Just a couple of last minute "adds" to this weeks goodies coming in for the weekend...

Aren't these some of the most wonderful pincushions/boxes ever!! This is a small sampling of what I just picked up and will be bringing in this weekend...every one is different and every one is a treasure to itself! All signed and dated by the artist...and extremely reasonably priced! What a great gift for a quilting friend!

We also are bringing in some wonderful old coin silver...all at great prices if you are a collector. And also in is a fantastic 8' long bench...dated from around 1750. A great North Carolina find. We're pricing it at $195.00 for a couple of weekends...after that, if we still have it, the price will go up to more of what it's really worth. (SOLD)

All of my Easter bunnies and Spring kits will be on sale over the next two weekends...20% off...

Yesterday (Thursday) I had to stop working on shop stuff and do yard stuff before the rains came in...I hurt so bad right now I can hardly move! We only got the front yard done...but it's landscaped like this from one side to the other...after 50 bales of pinestraw and one very surprized mama cardinal, I've put so much icy hot on me I've just about been overcome by the fumes!

Last weekend I brought my model in of "The Memory Tree" and immediately sold out of the pattern...got more back in so they will be at the shop this weekend...my model is framed and worked on overdyed sandcastle...a really fun pattern to do and so easy to personalize!

Back in stock...Jill Peterson's two books, "Homestead" and "The Settlement" are back in! $36.00 each and if you need them shipped, visit our website...I have them there available with FREE media mail shipping!

The new Early American Life Magazine (for June 2010) arrived today! (My post lady was a busy woman today...lots of stuff on my porch!). Some great articles in this one...a very interesting article on antique wallet photos, Ice Cream in Colonial times, restoring a Virginia estate, Colonial Santa Fe, the "White Horse" Tavern in Newport, RI, Preserving forgotten breeds of farm animals that are nearly extinct, Sport Fishing in Early America, Early personal lighting, plus much more! $4.95 per issue. (These are also located over on the website.)

Here's a fun new pattern I just got in...two of my favorite things in one picture...crocks and flags! If you're not "digging" the colors...I'm laying my version out on my work table now...I think it's going to be "killer" when its done. Maybe this would be a fun July class!! $9.95 for the pattern...

Back in stock...a really GREAT punchneedle book...well worth the price as it has 40 full sized patterns in it..."Punchneedle Embroidery" by Barbara Kemp and Margaret Shaw. When this book first came out, it was in hard-back for $25.00...it is now in soft cover for $15.00! Same great book...just $10 cheaper! You can't beat this deal...especially if you've seen Margaret's individual patterns...they usually sell for $17 and up! Each pattern in the book is shown in color...but the actual black & white drawing is also in the book...making it great for rug hooking or wool applique if you want to adjust the size!

It's always fun when the UPS man shows up at my door...yesterday he brought me lots of great british wools...all perfect for over-dying (which I'm doing right now with them...pictures soon!) and today he brought me a great box of fabric & patterns! I got back in that great green/red Marcus Brothers Civil War fabric (that we had sold out of) along with a really pretty dark brown pinwheel civil war print from that same collection.

PLUS...we now have Sandcastle back in!! (I didn't take a picture of that). I'll have it in the shop this weekend...I'll overdye some and leave some plain...it has a wonderful quilted texture and is FANTASTIC for wool project background!

The latest edition of Wool Street Journal came over the weekend...yoohoo! Several copies are on our website if you need to order and have shipped...the rest are at the shop! If you need me to hold you one...let me know as I doubt if we reorder...

In this issue...there is a free pattern for a hooked doll called Tommy Dave, a free pattern called "Midnight in the Garden" by Flew the Coop (great punchneedle project), a hooked purse pattern called "Just Right Purse", an article on dying with flowers, and a drawing suitable for hooking or applique called "Water Gently". (Plus a plethera of advertisers!) $8.95 per copy

That's it for this week!

Til later...Lisa

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