Oh my gosh...it is Friday already! I'm sorry to say...there won't be alot of pictures in this update...and I'll try and not to get tooooo wordy with what all new is coming into the shop this weekend!
We've got some great old primitive smalls coming in...some for only this weekend (cuz I've got my eye on one or two as christmas presents for me!)...

1) Mass. made (not extremely old) spoon rack/candle box. Great black/green over red paint. At the bottom, it has a door that drops down, above that is a candle box and then a place for pewter/silver spoons up top. 29" high by 14" wide. It can either sit or hang...$85.00
2)Nice old firkin...small one! 6 1/2" diameter...top of the stack size. Wire bail handle...all tacks on the bands..it has its original surface (never painted)...$125.00
3)Shoo fly cover...this is a real one, not "made up" from something else. Nice original green paint on the knob handle...$50.00
4)Bail handled pantry box...mid to late 1800's with it's original windsor green painted surface...$250.00
5) Yellow ware butter mold...this is a nice larger early one...with sheath of wheat design on the inside...$50.00
6) Nice stoneware pitcher with cobalt decoration. Not an "oldie"... but if you collect Crocker and Springer pieces..this would fit right in! (I'd almost think it was one of theirs but it doesn't have any markings.) About 10" tall...$25.00
Not pictured....
7) Really nice BIG bread board...much better than most...all heavy heart pine..really pretty handle...overall size is 19" x 32"...$125.00
8) Excellent hand painted gameboard...signed and dated A.D.Adams, Jacksonville, NC, 1942. Great americana colors of red/white and blue...condition is wonderful...$225.00
(There's a realy cool country store counter top pie safe coming in next weekend! Came out of the mountains of Virginia...all solid oak and a nice smaller size. Be great in someone's country kitchen!)
I think that's it for the old stuff!
Just in today...the new edition of the Wool Street Jounal! Haven't even had a chance to turn the pages to see what's inside yet...$8.00 per copy (WOW discount applies!)

Teatowels are back in stock...red/cream, green/cream and black/cream. All in the "tea-dyed" colors...$3 each
Our first order of Cooke Tavern Soups have come in! Always makes a great winter meal and quick to put together! All of our favorites...Yankee Doodle Chicken Noodle, Barn Raising Vegetable (fantastic when you add stew meat to it!),Candlelight Corn Chowder, Broccoli Cheddar Chowder...and two new ones this year...Henna Marie's Cheddar Potato and Mi Madre Maria's Chicken Tortilla soup. Each Package makes a big batch...$6.95 each.

Vicki Wallace made us some more little treasures for the shop...her christmas mice have been selling as fast as she can make them! We'll have a few more of those little guys, along with some other surprises! Come and see what we bring in!
Hmm...let see...a couple of new bolts of fabric...civil war blues will be coming in...some new patterns, more new dyed wool colors...hand made wool Santa stockings and candle mats, and I'm sure some other goodies that I can't remember right now!
And if you didn't catch the picture at the top & right...the kits for "Holly" (the December Maiden) will be ready this weekend! $28 for the complete kit (WOW price is $25).
Guess I better get back to working on kits before I go to bed! Yall have a great weekend and come see us if you get out and around!